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Moving with Children: They Can Help Too!

Moving Tasks for Children

When being trapped in the moving process, you tend to think that there is always a need for extra help: lots of stuff piled up, saved during the last years, the house starts to look messy with boxes all over the place and it is hard to keep an eye on your restless kids. Well, how about involve them in the moving “fun” ? Moving is usually far from “fun”, but why not turn this experience in a teamwork effort. Your children can handle some tasks suitable for their age and you can be pleased that you have support of the whole family :). For example:


  • Kids can sort their toys, books, clothes etc. They know their stuff best: the favorite blanket, toys, the secret diary hidden under the bed and they know how to offer them the proper respect :). We all know that kids can be sensitive regarding the things they are attached to, so offering them the possibility to be involved in the moving process can be much appreciated by them.
  • Also, the can transport some things in the boxes and mark them, such as books, toys, video games. Markers are also an interesting tool for the children.
  • Learn from them, even though there are lots of stuff to do, tasks to complete according to your moving checklist. Observe your kids, just for a small amount of time. They have the rare ability to know how to have fun and to transform everything in a game. This way, you can cope more easily with moving in a new home.
  • After arriving at the new location, the kids can be of great help during the unpacking too. However, be careful to assign them to handle things that are not fragile or of great value, because they can be easily distracted or clumsy.


We wish you an easy transition in your new home and hope that these tips can help you to cope with the family moving process.

Moving with Children: They Can Help Too!

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